Wednesday 6 February 2013

3 years ago.....

I walked down the isle and said I do.

At the end of October 2009, Rob asked me to marry him. Life was going good. He had been called back to work months prior after being laid off for 18 months and I was back in college.

A little over one month later, we found out we were pregnant. How exciting! So instead of putting off the wedding until after baby came, we got into to some heavy planning and had a small ceremony with a few friends and family in Niagara Falls. It was quick and fun. I know it's hard to tell in the pictures but I was 16 weeks pregnant when we got married.

Looking back, I'm not sure we would have had a bigger wedding or not had I not been pregnant. It just turned out so perfectly that I have no regrets about it.

It was a very cold Canadian day, so we were limited with getting photo's taken outside.

I met Rob over 13 years ago at work. We had a hate for each other that was like a grade 5 crush that no one wanted to admit. He was so annoying, yet on days we'd stand around at work and literally talk for hours, getting little work done. We were both in relationships with other people and although I thought it was only a crush that I had on him, it would later prove it was more than that. I had a daughter with my ex and went off on maternity, never to see Rob again. I quit that job when my maternity was up. We were able to reconnect via Facebook in 2007 and my relationship with my daughters father was rocky and was ending.
In 2008 Rob and I began dating and I knew this was it. This was the man that I would be spending the rest of my life with. I couldn't ask for anything better.

I look forward to the rest of our lives together!
I love you Rob!