Tuesday, 12 February 2013

The ripple effect

Have you ever noticed how really anything can have a ripple effect.

You know, wake up and stub your toe, drop your tooth brush on the floor and then can't find our keys. Thus in turn making you late for work and having zero time to get your coffee. Get to work only to realize you're not the only one having a bad day and everyone is just rubbing each other the wrong way.

Do you think that ripple effect is just because you were doomed to have a bad day or, did your mind set create all that negativity for you?

I truly think its a mind set. When we wake up and stub our toe we have 2 choices. Get over it or don't. It's that simple. I've had those days where it seems like everything can go wrong and only wishing for night to fall so that I can go to bed and wake up the next day with a fresh start. That fresh start can honestly start when you say. You don't need the night to come.

That being said, my laundry room purge seems to have created a small sense of calm over the house. I can wake up in the morning, walk in there (and be wowed) and find what I need in seconds. No more digging through the dryer trying to find that one missing sock. And anything that can take away a bit of the morning stress is a plus in my books. Everyone has a bit of a bounce to their step these passed 2 days. Even my husband.

Other areas of the house need to be purged as well, but that will come in time. We have a 3rd floor that would make a killer games room, yet it's filled with stuff that would normally go in a basement. Totes and boxes of things that we think we can't let go of, but we need to. A yard sale this summer would do us some good!

One day I will have a fully organized house. One day. :)


  1. You bring up a great point that one effort will inspire you to do more.
    And it's true that we have a choice of how we view these events.

    1. This is something I really need to focus on with myself. Today should be a disaster as I was up at 1am with a fevered toddler and then up all night. But instead of rushing around this morning getting him dressed and trying to get his sitter off to school, I've decided he can rest and she can have a "mental health" day. So we're all home, relaxed and resting.

  2. oh wow...you make me realize how much my entire house needs purged. Thanks for a great post!

    1. It's a never ending process. Kids toys, clothes, old things. I really hope that I can get that 3rd floor done this summer.

  3. That "wow" moment when you wake up to a clean laundry room (or any room!) can have a positive ripple effect on the rest of your day, too. Finding matching socks can make you feel like Wonder Woman - for some of us, its a super power. Great post ;-)

    1. Finding matching socks is a super power! My husband can never locate the match lol. But our new system (should it stay in place) is making everything wonderful.
      Thank you!
