Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Hello 2013

So today started with my mentally preparing myself for the new year and new changes that are to come. The thing about being a yoyo dieter is you know what works. I can lose weight easily. My struggles come with keeping it off, over calorie consumption and the self hate that comes with cheating with food.

So my breakfast consisted of my fav protein shake.
-1 cup of coconut milk
-1 cup of frozen mangos
-1 tbs of coconut oil
-1 scoop of It Works Vanilla Profit
This shake literally comes out like ice cream so I eat it with a spoon and its filling. I also had my vitamins, thermogenic boost and Greens.

I've also weighed my self in at 165.5 (I was 137 in May). I'm attaching my measurements in a photo for now.

I also started a squat-a-thon. I will make a post about that in a day or 2. Today just consisted of 20 squats.

Just an average day.


  1. Shannon.

    Good luck to you in 2013. I have a feeling you'll likely reach your goal before me---as I need to lose about as much as you weight now.

    Good luck. -Chris


    1. Thank you Chris! Best of luck to you. I feel like you get what I'm going through. The constant up and downs are really embarrassing. I have amazing before and after photo's from last year and now I've undid it all.

      Thank you for connecting and stay in touch!!
