I really enjoy having them as they are usually few and far between. We've almost always got something on the go.
Winter adds to the chaos. Getting the kids bundled up only to be uncomfortable in their winter gear. A hat is not on properly. Someone lost a mitt. Someone kicked off a boot and now their foot is cold. I'm sure as you're reading this, you're chuckling because you go through the exact same thing. My husband often asks how I don't totally lose it. I wonder the same thing sometimes, lol.
That's a picture of our son Emmett. He's 2.5. Can you guess what we're going through right now? Terrible two's! I wasn't expecting it. My daughter didn't really go through it. Maybe some issues at age 3, but nothing like Mr. ICANUSETHATSHARPKNIFEMYSELF.
His need for independence is rather quite annoying. It borders on major safety issues with a hand and a watchful eye always on him. He is insistent on making his own toast. From taking it out of the package, to putting it in the toaster and pushing it down, then to buttering/peanut buttering and even cutting it himself. The part that I think annoys me the most though, is the time it takes him. For some reason I'm always on fast forward and just want to get simple tasks done in the shortest period of time ever. I know, I know, that's my issue that I need to deal with. Really I should be embracing his independence right? I'm sure there's going to be a time in the next 7-9 years that I'm going to be summoned to bring the hungry beast his dinner at his command.
I'm done with the terrible two's though.
He goes to pre-school 3 times a week and absolutely loves it. He's got a couple of friends that he talks about a lot. Mostly an adorable little girl named Ava. I love to see the interaction that they have when I sneak in to pick him up a bit early.
This is my baby girl Kaylee. She's 7 and sassy to no end.
She's an angry and demanding little girl. Why's she so angry? She's got a pretty amazing life. She's fed, clothed, loved and has most things she's asked for. I would suspect her anger probably comes from her father and I no longer being together. I know she loves us both very much and somewhere in her head would love us to be together.
Her father and I together just didn't make sense, but I can say that we are very very good friends and don't have the usual drama that comes with co-parenting. We were good friends when we were together, but I don't think any real love was there beyond the love you have for a friend. I think that's ok. We've grown up over the years. Kaylee was 2.5 when we split up and I'm sure she doesn't remember much, but I'm sure there's still some impact.
Kaylee is in grade 2 right now and has a few struggles. I'm assuming its her very late birthday. Her birthday is right before Christmas so any child that was born in January almost is an entire year older than her. Her stubbornness doesn't help much either. I can't for the life of me figure out where she gets that from (/sarcasm).
This weekend is her weekend at her dads, so I just spent my weekend with Emmett mostly as my husband was off for some karate seminars. I miss weekends with just Kaylee and I. I think a girls day/night out is in order. The few that we've managed to squeeze in were always fun and I could tell she was really appreciative of time with just me. Something she very much deserves and me too. She's not going to be little much longer.
Kaylee will be getting home from her fathers very shortly and then begins the fights over who hit who, who gets to watch what on the TV, etc.
I wouldn't trade my chaotic life for anything. I complain yes, but my family, they keep me alive, and well, even if they drive me nuts.
Very nicely written, you can feel your love for your family in your words!