Sunday, 31 March 2013

Planning to Plan and Easter Weekend

The plan for tonight is to finish off this glutenous weekend by going to sleep and starting over tomorrow. Tomorrow I will wake up, do things right and hit the gym. Then I'll come home and plan. Plan a grocery list and meal plan for the week. Stress seems to be the factor that throws me completely off track. We live a very busy life during the week, so planning helps so much.

Today a friend and I connected a newer level (Hi Rachel!). We're both struggling in the same areas of our lives, weight loss and work at home goals. We've committed to each other to check in with each other daily. The thing I find about being a yoyo dieter is, I know there's 1000000's of others going through the exact same things as me, yet we're all very reluctant to verbalize it. Maybe this could be our new edge to success. Also, I still need to search deeply to find an answer as to why I continually sabotage all of my hard efforts.

This weekend was amazing. It was a great wind down weekend and we have amazing weather. We got to spend lots of time as a family which is rare so I truly cherish it. Took the kids to the park, snuggles and of course the Easter bunny left eggs all over our house.
"Strive to live each day to its fullest, squeezing all the joy you can out of each moment. Instead of measuring your life's value by your progress toward a single goal, remember that the direction you're headed in is more important than temporary results." - Tony Robbins

I hope that everyone else had an amazing weekend! 

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

I've fallen off the wagon. Again.

I'd love to beat myself up about it, literally. But I know that's not going to  fix it.

I just have to get to the bottom of why I do it. Why do I become lazy? I certainly don't like how it makes me feel.

I could start over again tomorrow. Nothing is stopping me. Nothing has ever stopped me.

I won't quit trying.

Mind set. Mind set. Mind set.

Friday, 15 March 2013

That Crazy Wrap Thing

You've either heard of it or you haven't.
If you've heard of it you either believe in it or you think it's impossible. Am I going to try and convince you it's amazing? Maybe. But it's one of those things that, until you try it, you'll never really truly know. I was a skeptic too.

What is the Ultimate Body Applicator?
It's a non-woven cloth wrap that is infused with a powerful, botanically based formula to deliver maximum tightening, toning and firming results in as little as 45 minutes! It continuously hydrates for firmer, smoother, more youthful skin, and reduces the appearance of cellulite and skin slacking.

It's is not water loss like most people might think. It's not the same kind of "wrap" that you find at most spas. Our product hydrates the skin. If we were taking water out, you'd end up all wrinkly.

When it comes to products like this, everyone is expecting the quick fix. Now this is probably as close to magic as you can get, but lets be honest, fat and cellulite didn't accumulate over night, so it's going to take some time to improve the appearance of it.  We've had many people have AMAZING results with just one wrap, but the full process is the entire box of four applicators. People will see results at different rates, but for best results, the applicator goes hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle.

Also I want to point out something that people are confusing our wrap with. This wrap does not cause weight loss. But it may give the appearance of weight loss and might even kick start an unconscious decision to make some healthier choices because your jeans just zipped up a bit more easily.

Where can you use the "wrap"? Anywhere you want to target from your chin down. Not on your face (we have one specially formulated just for that). Stomach, thighs, hips and that wonderful back fat. It's designed to fit anywhere.

So if you've got some saggy skin you want to take care of before summer, contact me. It Works Global is changing lives!

Product information 
Facebook Fan Page <-- more before and afters
Email: Shannon St. Jean

Monday, 11 March 2013

Parents Do You React or Respond?

I just read a fantastic article. 
Parents Do You React or Respond? It Makes a Difference! 
While parenting our children it is important to consider the effects of the way in which we choose to relate to them. 
Do you 'react' or 'respond'?
The one you choose will make a difference in how your relationship with them evolves.
I react almost all the time. I can make some excuse as to why. When I'm busy, that's when Kaylee needs me the most. So if I'm on the phone and distracted, she'll ask me something and my immediate reaction is NO! Pretty rotten I know, but I bet I'm not the only one.  I work from home and I'm sure most customers would understand if I had to say "can you please hold for a moment?" Yet I put them first. Big mistake!

In situations of being interrupted and reacting I'm at fault for both. It's my fault of how I reacted and it's also my fault for Kaylee's interruption, because somewhere down the line, I failed to drill into her good manners. I have failed to remind her she needs to be patient. And really, how can an impatient person like myself even teach patience? 

There are two very important considerations to be made when communicating with your children, regardless of their age or the topic of conversation.
The first is to always allow them to speak without interruption. 
The second is to not share your thoughts and feelings until you are ready to do so without emotion 
Wow, that's an eyeopener. I fail at both of those important things. I guess most of the time I'm just so high strung and not taking the time I need to communicate properly. I don't want to be my children's best friend, but I have to make sure that they know they can talk to me about anything and if I don't make some changes FAST, they will never come to be with anything. 

So looks like some new things for my 2013 list. Patience. And taking the time to communicate with my children properly.  

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Time to get out of this funk

Old habits are easy to fall back to whether they are good or bad.

That illness we all had really messed up my plans. Being out of commission was not fun. Being sick and taking care of the sick really takes any extra time a mom has to plan the things she needs to plan. I must get my focus back.

I will not let a week of being unhealthy undo everything that I have done. I will keep trucking. I will keep moving.

Today I will spend time preparing for the week. Planning meals, workouts, getting back into a healthy routine. Planning a new play list for running.

Also I need to get back to blogging and reading all the wonderful mommy blogs out there.

Sorry this is short, but I have some planning to do. I hope all are well and you enjoy your day. I'm leaving you with one of my newer running songs. It's an eargasm!